Friday, June 7, 2013

Quarter 4: week 2: God punishes Israel's Idolatry

Exodus 32

Students will thank God for His mercy and patience

One of the craziest statements in this passage is in verse 24.
"So [Aaron]  said to them 'Let any who have gold take it off.'  So they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire and out came this calf."

In second hour we are going to do random art with markers and blindfolds, play dough and other mediums.  When you randomly threw play dough into a pile and draw blindfolded, you don't end up with a great piece of art.
The same is true of throwing gold into a fire and a golden calf coming out.

Our disobedience and sinful is not a accident or coincidence. 

Don't make excuses for your sin!

Talk about the parts of Moses' prayer in Exodus 32:11-13
Remember God's blessings and Thank Him.
Asking for God's help.
Remember who God is and what has promised.

Everyone should have died because of the sin of the people BUT that didn't happen.

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