1. September verse for 2 years old through kindergarten should be Luke 2:11
2. September 7, 14 verse for 1st through 5th graders should be Luke 2:10, 11
3. November 2, 9, 16 verse should be Romans 8:38, 39
Sorry about any problems this may have caused.
Second, teachers you may have noticed the memory verses are set up a little different this quarter.
We are going to try this for the fall and winter.
Here is a brief explanation of what these changes are:
2 years old through kindergartners
There is one memory verse for the month.
This will give you opportunity to help the kids learn the verses maybe even make posters to hang in your room or send home with the kids.
Think through how you can teach the verse and the importance of the verse during the month.
Books of the Bible.1st through 5th graders
Through the entire Children's ministry we are going to be working through the books of the Bible.
I know some of the classes have been working on this already. Begin with the Old Testament.
There are two memory verses for each month.
This will give you opportunity to help the kids learn the verses maybe even make posters to hang in your room or send home with the kids.
Think through how you can teach the verse and the importance of the verse during the month.
Books of the Bible.
Through the entire Children's ministry we are going to be working through the books of the Bible. Now I know many of the children in these classes may know these books but I am realizing we have more and more children that don't know the books of the Bible. Encourage those who know the books to help those who don't.
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