Saturday, November 21, 2015

Review Week (11.22.15)

Forgot to post this last week but it might be helpful for this week's review.

2014-08-31 CM Preview from Faith Church on Vimeo.

In reviewing for the quarter, here is what the 1st - 3rd graders are doing at 10:30 am.  These review sheets could be adapted for younger kids using the four words:

Here are the review documents:
Click HERE for pdf
Click HERE for Word document

Here is a summary to be thinking about and/or share with the children.
God creates.  Man rebels.  God judges.  God promises a solution.

A New Testament passage you could use to review this quarter is 2 Peter 2:5 - 10

Another way to review is using the first 4 C's in Answers in Genesis's   

Here is a link that explains these things.

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