Tuesday, April 29, 2014

10 Lies the Enemy Whispers to Children's Ministry Leaders

10 Lies the Enemy Whispers to Children's Ministry Leaders

Check out the article for some specific scripture to combat these lies.

  1. You're not really making a difference.
  2. What you do is not as important as adult ministry.
  3. You don't have the ability to do this.
  4. You're too busy to pray.
  5. You're teaching kids.  If you were a really good teacher, you would be teaching adults.
  6. No one wants to volunteer.
  7. No one appreciates you and your ministry.
  8. That kid or family can't be reached.
  9. You're not successful because your children's ministry is not growing.  Give up and quit.
  10. God doesn't care.  If He did, He wouldn't have let that child die.

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